Mr Mokaya Robinson
HOD, Technical Department
The department’s aim is derived from the aims in Business Studies, Agriculture and Computer Studies that the department offers. From Agriculture, we aim to impart knowledge, skills and attitudes that empower graduates technically to be productive in the economy.
From Business Studies, we aim to impart knowledge, skills and attitudes to enhance graduates resources and opportunity sightedness and manage the available resources profitably.Computer Studies impart ability to apply ICT and enhance their creativity and innovativeness in their undertakings.
All above should be exhibited by our learners while in school to ensure that is what they will be outside the world.
The department is headed by Mr. Robinson Mokaya with other eight dedicated teachers who teach various subjects as follows:-
- Mr. Robinson Mokaya, Business Studies
- Dr. Robert Ramari Sangura, Business Studies
- Mr. Jonathan Mayende, Agriculture
- Mrs. Wasibuye Monicah, Agriculture
- Mr. Raphael Wamalwa, Agriculture
- Mr. Joseph Soita Maruti, Business Studies
- Mr. Hesbon Kuloba, Computer Studies
- Mr. Thomas Nakitare, Computer Studies