Clubs and societies are vital as they help students to benefit from outside class programmes where they exploit their potential in talent related activities that aim at sharpening them to explore other fields in the outside world after completion of their studies in this noble institution. The aim of these clubs and societies is to develop friendship and above all help individuals to develop leadership skills. Finally students become more obedient, responsible and are able to come up with projects that can assist them generate some income to supplement what the school offers for innings and outings.Below is a list of clubs and societies and able patrons in charge:-
- Christian Union - Mr. Wasimela Nathan
- Young Christian Society - Mr. Makhanu Peter
- Seventh Day Adventist - Mrs. Seline Mukenya
- Mathematics - Mr. Dearn Washibuye
- Young Farmers - Mrs. Monica Wasibuye
- Apiculture - Mr. Ramari Sangura
- Journalism - Mr. Makokha Dennis
- Debate - Mr. Nakitare Thomas
- Drama & Choir - Mrs. Anyango Maureen
- Scouting - Mr. Kuloba Hesbon
- Science - Mr. Wamalwa Raphael
- History - Mr. Welikhe Robert
- Environmental - Mr. Nandasaba Edwin

Mr. Jonathan Mayende
HOD, Clubs and Societies